Sophia's Peace Work

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Frontiers of Cultural Conflict

I'm having a bit of a challenge living with these Iraqi men. Today, one of them announced that he was moving out (he was actually going to sneak out but the other housemate convinced him to atleast talk to me first). When I asked why, he told me this elaborate story that he had made up based on one comment I had made the night before related to the toilet paper in the bathroom. Somehow this comment seemed to have all of these hidden meanings to him. I was flabergasted (wish I could spell that correctly). I couldn't believe it. At first I was offended but it was sooooo bizarre the way that he had built a mountain out of a mole hill.

When I explained my comment to him, I said, "You can still leave if you want, but to leave over a comment about toilet paper is ... well ... just silly."

He relented and has decided to stay (which I'm thankful for because he has been so helpful in setting up the apartment with me) ... but if he had gone ... I was going to start calling him "The Toilet paper man."

Geez these Iraqis are soooooo sensitive.

Anyway, signing off from the frontiers of cultural conflict!


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