Back in the Middle East and went straight to Iraq
Kurdistan ... Erbil & Dohuk to be exact ... for a big meeting to present the final results of our work over the last two years and plan for the next year. Actually a big clusterfuck really. Everything that could go wrong with it, has gone wrong with it. We're pissed, the people coming to the meeting are pissed. Flights all messed up, reservations messed up, long drives with tired and cranky Iraqis, organizers pissed off at Ministries, Ministries pissed off at organizers. My boss wants to quit it all and just go into business. "I can make a hellavalot of money here, why am I trying to do this and give myself an ulcer!" He's tanking a bit, but he'll pop back. He has some mistaken impression that the ministries should like us. I told him it is far more usual for NGO's to have an adversarial relationship with government. Anyway, we'll recover, this is just how it goes sometimes.
Kurdistan ... Erbil & Dohuk to be exact ... for a big meeting to present the final results of our work over the last two years and plan for the next year. Actually a big clusterfuck really. Everything that could go wrong with it, has gone wrong with it. We're pissed, the people coming to the meeting are pissed. Flights all messed up, reservations messed up, long drives with tired and cranky Iraqis, organizers pissed off at Ministries, Ministries pissed off at organizers. My boss wants to quit it all and just go into business. "I can make a hellavalot of money here, why am I trying to do this and give myself an ulcer!" He's tanking a bit, but he'll pop back. He has some mistaken impression that the ministries should like us. I told him it is far more usual for NGO's to have an adversarial relationship with government. Anyway, we'll recover, this is just how it goes sometimes.
I can't believe you've been back again so soon, but understand. I've been thinking of it again myself.
somewhere in Texas
Anonymous, at April 25, 2006 8:25 AM
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